Firstly, Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you are spoiling someone special in your life. This year I'm making a big fuss of our little girl as she's 4 now and although Valentine's day has been explained before, it's all new to her! One of the things we are doing is a little chocolate heart treasure hunt, which she will love.

We are also going to be planting our sweet pea seeds this weekend as these are a real favourite with our family. They are great because they are so pretty, smell wonderful and they keep growing back despite certain little fingers picking them quite often!
So here's a short guide:
Sow seeds in seed compost. You can either use seed trays or I think best is to use old toilet rolls (as the roots grow quite long)
Cover with 1cm of compost
Keep them on a sunny window sill
Water them regularly
Once they have a few sets of leaves, pinch the top off (to encourage bushy growth)
When you notice the spring frosts have gone, plant them out 8-12 inches apart in a sunny spot
They will need support so either use canes, netting or trellis
Cut flowers before they turn to seed pods to encourage more flowers to grow
And that it, simple! Let me know how your sweet peas turn out.
Thanks so much for reading. Take care...
