Wow, October! The month of golden brown, cosy nights and Halloween. Now that autumn is upon us, our garden maintenance consists of a lot of tidying and clearing of leaves. If possible we recommend giving up a small inconspicuous area of your garden to pile them up. Hedgehogs, frogs and toads love it and you can mix them (the leaves that is) with some compost in twelve months or so to create a leaf mold, to add valuable nutrients to your garden. Or you could simply spread the leaves under shrubs as a mulch, the worms will get to work on improving your soil.
Hedgehogs will begin hibernating soon, usually in mid November until March or April. I'm sure we will come across a few whilst we're at work and we'll have to take care using the strimmer, especially whilst working near hedgerows.
We are going to be making some hedgehog houses for our customers shortly, we are calling them 'Hog Cabins'! I've found a few cute designs on Pinterest. Maybe you could have a go yourself?

As far as frogs and toads go they often hibernate in leaves or log piles, so look out for these too.
We have had a busy few months since the last blog. We've been looking after our maintenance gardens, hedge cutting, fencing, decking and landscaping a few areas. We've been working on getting to grips with various social networking platforms too! And we hope to be launching our new website very soon.
There is still plenty of time for cutting and pruning and tidying back all that summer garden growth. So get your gloves on and get out there, enjoy the fresh air! And don't forget your pumpkins! I can't wait to get carving!
